sábado, 7 de enero de 2017


La otra realidad

Luis Berastain Díez

Portada del libro La Otra Realidad de Luis Berastain

2 comentarios:

Mario Hernandez dijo...

Todavia hay gente que tiene fobia al conocimiento y al saber. No puedo creer que no se le dé la importancia que se merece a obras literarias tan influyentes en nuestra sociedad.

Consejos de Salud dijo...

Browsing the web I find a page Depilar eyebrows without pain do to have perfect and beautiful eyebrows, we can depilate, tattoo our eyebrows, what eyebrow models to use?, How to have perfect eyebrows?, What are the models of eyebrows woman?, How are eyebrows tattooed ?, and we ask ourselves the following questions: How is eyebrow hair removal? , Eyebrow pencil functions?, How to pluck eyebrows without pain?, Types of eyebrows woman and men ?, How to draw eyebrows ?, How to model eyebrows woman? much more ... Health Advice